Environmental effect Versus Evolution theory and natural selection.
It all started with a conversation about evolution And argument about the concept of evolution in a particular part which says that species can completely change to a whole new species By million of years. And the argument was not about If change exist or not but was about the limits of that change. which the theory of evolution made it unlimited. When time passes changes just happen in the species until it ends with a whole new species may be hard to connect to its ancestors.
And here came the argument as the change does exists. But no prove that it can completely changes the species without limits and without elements control the limits of that change. Which with probability theory can mean that there is a chance that a lion can become a mouse. Or a mouse can become an elephant. Or cow can be a bird. And this theory of Evolution with it's way in showing and describing these changes makes that possible because you can't say I know what will species become after a million year. and it does not put any limits or controls to that. And the problem of this that it can never be proved or tested. As all the models Approve that change happens. But do not say or prove that species can entirely change to a new species completely different than their ancestor. But just the same species with some kind of new ability to adaption to survive. And from that point came the rejection to the concept of evolution. Not refusing that change happens in species ability and adaption. But in the part which put no limits the far that it can be a whole change from species to a completely new one. Different in almost everything. which all models again do not prove it to be happened or able to happen. and it can never subject to test. Or test the mechanism of it. the best chance is recognizing the change. Which these models used to try to prove. Which help and support and prove this accidentally theory that will be shown here which is The environmental effect theory.
------The Environmental Effect theory. By John Adam.(M.D)-------
This theory Simply starts with the environmental effect as the main and only reason and element and the catalyst that cause the changes to happen in the species. Which happen as a response to the Environmental changes that affect the species. As kind of adaptation to manage to survive and stay in a good condition. And these changes are limited with the limits of environment suitable for and supports life existence. Which means species will change after a million years but will not become another whole new species hard to relate to their old ancestors. But only the same species with limited changes to adaptation.
-------Explanation and proves and difference with natural selection:--------
First. If we had a species in an environment. Then a change happened in this environment. Weather or food source or new predator....etc.
Then the species respond to that change or even changes as many changes can happen also in the same time. And the response come to adapt with the new changes to manage to survive and reproduce. And if that adaptation failed then comes the extinction.
And the difference between environmental effect and natural selection That the natural selection says that nature controls the species survival. While the environmental effect says environment or nature just does the effect as a catalyst. But what really determines the changes is the species response to the effect.
Idea simply nature or environment ( naturally or artificially ) are just catalyst to the change but do not make it. or decide it. All depends on the species respond.
How to test that it is more simple than what you can imagine. first of all. all the models that try to help proving the evolution theory. Actually prove the part of changes do happen which goes with the theory of environmental effect. But never proved that species completely change without limits. which also goes with the theory of environmental effect. and can be tested. And can be saw in life as adaptation is clear and depends on environment ( like donkey and zebra - or Grozny bear and polar bear...etc.). They still both bears or donkeys but each one. adapted to survive in his environment.
Or even human a small test can be made by anyone. the sun effect and how our bodies adapt with the heat. ( how bodies turned more dark to adapt the sun in hot places and white in places with less sun. )
means the theory can subject to test and did and it goes and it works.
------Another main question? Will a dog be recognized as a dog after a million year???-----
Unlike the Evolution theory which says the dog won't stay a dog in a million year. But will change to a whole new species hard to recognize as a dog. ( which makes the problem of evolution theory about the unlimited changes happen with time passing. which make it wrong and without a prove. Which opens the possibility that a rat can evolve to an elephant or snake to a donkey. which never happened or proved to happen)
The environmental effect theory answers that question simply and says yes it will still be a dog. even after a three or four times over the million year. and will be recognized as a dog. But the only different between it and its old ancestors will be some changes happened to adapt with environment effect to survive. Why & how that happens ???
Because the theory of environmental effect looks at the environmental effect ( environment or nature changes that makes effect ) as the main and only element and catalyst that cause the change to happen.
And when having a look at that main element and catalyst you will find it limited by itself. and its changes are limited by themselves. And stays in the circle of environment suitable for life existence. A nature supports life. ( desert - ice- mud- hot- rivers- seas. predators which are almost the same do not change fast...etc.)
So if the element and only catalyst that cause that change is limited that will go also on the change caused. It happens but with limits just enough to adapt with the environmental effect Or by another word environmental change.
and by answering this question the theory proves itself able to deal and describe the changes that happen without going to the mistake of the evolution theory. And unlike evolution theory. The environmental effect theory can be tested and proved. And it happens that all the models and examples made to prove Evolution theory. which actually do not prove it. These models and examples serve and support and goes with the environmental effect theory.
((( one last thing to say. let science be out of bonds of serving view. Let it be free. Do not twist it to serve ideological thoughts )))
((( Simplicity is the best. Some times solution is there but you are just ignoring it. ))))